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Hypothyroid Symptoms
High levels of cholesterol in the blood is one of the many risk factors for serious future health problems.
Cholesterol isn't all bad, your body requires it in moderation for the proper function of cells, nerves, and hormones. It is an essential component of every cell in your body, and life without it would be impossible.
Hypothyroid Symptoms
Too much cholesterol can increase the chances of developing heart disease and stroke. By inhibiting circulation, too much of this substance can also cause gallstone, impotence, high blood pressure, and loss of mental acuity.
To distribute cholesterol throughout the body, substances called lipoproteins transport it in the blood. One class of lipoproteins, called low-density lipoproteins, or LDLs for short, carries cholesterol from the liver, where it is produced, to the cells that need it. The another kind of lipoprotein, called high-density lipoproteins, or HDLs, picks up the excess cholesterol from the cells and takes it back to the liver, where it is broken down and excreted from the body or reprocessed. A great checks and balance system.
Under normal conditions, the lipoproteins keep cholesterol levels in balance. But this carefully calibrated system can be overtaxed when the body creates more cholesterol than HDL can sweep away. After the cells take what they need, the existing HDLs remove what they can, and the extra cholesterol simply remains in the blood. Then if cholesterol becomes oxidized (not good) (especially LDL cholesterol) and attaches to the artery walls, it sets the stage for inflammation of the arteries. This chronic inflammation contributes to further buildup and deposition of cholesterol and plaque on the interior walls of the arteries. This is called buildup, which narrows the arteries and limits the amount of blood that can pass through them, setting the stage for arteriosclerosis or hardening of the arteries. Arteriosclerosis is the first stage of heart disease: when left untreated, it will lead to a heart attack or stroke.
Often, there are no symptoms of high cholesterol, so it's important to have your doctor perform a blood analysis regularly. One sign of high cholesterol can be a buildup of cholesterol rings on the skin under the eyes. If cholesterol or heart problems run in your family, or if you experience any of the following make an appointment:
* Dizziness
* Mental confusion or dullness
* Circulatory problems
* Difficulty breathing after minor exertion
* Poor diet, especially one high in cholesterol, saturated fats, and refined carbohydrates
* Inactivity
* Hereditary tendency to high cholesterol
* Diabetes, insulin resistance
* Hypothyroidism
* Stress
Just as a poor diet is a primary cause of high cholesterol, dietary changes are one of the best ways to treat it. One major key to balancing cholesterol levels is to consume a diet that's high in fiber. This means increasing the amount of vegetables, fruits, nuts, seeds and whole grains in the diet. Soluble fiber is a great choice. This type of fiber does not dissolve in water and binds cholesterol as it passes through the digestive tract. Oat bran is a great example of soluble fiber, and more than twenty studies show that it reduces total and LDL cholesterol when consumed on a daily basis. One bowl of oatmeal can lower cholesterol levels between 8 and 23 percent in just three weeks. Pectin, found in the skin of apples, is also effective, as is ground flaxseeds.
Not all fats are forbidden to people with elevated cholesterol. Essential fatty acids actually have a heart-protecting effect, so incorporate these into your diet:
* Cold-water fish like salmon or mackerel
* Flaxseeds
* Olive oil
* Omega 3 supplements
* Garlic and onions
* Nut, such as walnuts
But the hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats (which is the process that turns vegetable and seed oils into soft or solid fats) should be avoided. Researchers have discovered that the hydrogenated process produces altered molecules called trans-fatty acids. These substances appear to pack a double whammy:
* Not only do they raise LDL (BAD)
* They lower HDL (GOOD) and cause free radical damage
Not even butter does that kind of damage to your arteries.
Red yeast rice has been shown to reduce cholesterol levels and increase HDL.
Guggul, this herb reduces cholesterol levels and increases HDL.
Natural Supplements For High CholesterolHypothyroid Symptoms
Hypothyroid Symptoms
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